
Thursday, October 14, 2010

In Soviet Russia... always boy!

Unless is a girl.

Is girl!

Hey Mary P. and Leslie P.! Legyeebox.


  1. Too bad; are pretty cakes!

  2. O how funny! We immigrants do sound/ speak like this too!

    W V= huncelik. The people of the Huncelik village speak this way too

  3. you know what I like about the double posts? I think I have checked in for the day and next time I check the sight I get a bonus giggle.

    Thanks for never a dull post!!!!

  4. oooh, had to comment by dint of being the first one (you watch, someone else will post before me now!). 'Tis evening here in (dark) England, not sure what it time of day it is in Russia....

  5. And they got "Congratulations", supposedly the hard part right??!!

  6. Perhaps the first is for a child named after Tarzan's son, Boy?

  7. Is Goot!

    WV: axidexes - axidexes cause need for baby cakes

  8. I totally read this with a "moose & squirrel" accent!

  9. But at least they spelled "Congratulations" correctly on the first cake...

  10.'s the mysteriously appearing and disappearing post! Glad to see it reappeared!

  11. I had no choice but read that aloud. Cracked myself up, I did. Thanks. :D Off topic, do you watch Castle on ABC? Tuesday's ep had a whole underground steampunk community. Naturally, I thought of you. :) Nathan Fillion is a taste sensation unto himself, but in costume.... mmmmmm.

  12. At least in Soviet Russia they can spell Congratulations English, no less! ;)

  13. A leetle Wodka vud make dat go down better. U tink?

    WV - lateti "In soviet Russa we lateti steep for nice darrk colour, goes gud vit cake!"

  14. Ma, Pa, I gots something a tells you:

    I's a girl!

  15. Am I the only one who expected the punchline of this post to be "Cake wrecks YOU!"? ...Anyone? Bueller?

  16. In Soviet Russia, content misspells you. :P

  17. Reminds me of that Comcast commercial - the rich Russian guy that kisses that tiny giraffe! LOL

    I wonder if there was ever a Russian bizarro world type cake that said "Is a Gril!"

    wv: terfer - We got a terfer one post on the blog today :-)

  18. Is nice in Russia they have blue daisies for cakes.

  19. I think we need an It's Boy onesie to correspond with the "It a Gril" onesie.

  20. At first I saw the Congratulations and I thought, "Omigosh someone spelled it right!" I knew there was to be imminent doom, however....It's Boy made day.

  21. 'tis a sad commentary on how we can sometimes "skim read" that it took me three times of looking before I SAW the issues on these cakes... :(

  22. Hooray, it came back! I saw it around 9:30 this morning... enjoyed it quite a bit.

  23. Gee, nearly 6 years ago, we were listening to everyone around us speaking like this as we took our 2 new children into our family. Duncan's orphanage director: Here--is boy for you. Gabby's orphanage director: Here--is girl for you. You take, you love, you be good family. Bye-bye.

  24. In Soviet Russia we always get "congratulations" right and we disdain articles.

  25. haha, I was just telling somebody today that "the" and "a" are my worst enemies, I constantly put them where they don't go and leave them out where they should be, it's not my fault my native language doesn't have these silly articles!! I even read the whole post with a very broken Russian accent in my head, hilarious :)

  26. Boris and Natasha approve! Is very good post! Is not good cakes, though.

  27. Is good cakes Yah?

  28. What is on the sides of that first cake - Rice Krispies?!

    Freezair, I did too :)

  29. I immediately thought of the Bullwinkle episode where Boris dresses as a surgeon to "operate" on Bullwinkle, then afterwards tells Rocky: "Congratulations, Squirrel - you are the proud father of a dead moose!"

    Just imagine THAT written on cake, Boris dahlink!

  30. This made me... LOL... for reals ya'll.

  31. Oh, my! Is rice krispie sided cake!

    Thanks for two post. Love extra.

    heh heh


    btw - loved steampunk on Castle... totally thought of other blog!

  32. Cake is how you say? "Moose Cake" yes?

  33. You have to read this out loud, it's more fun that way :)

  34. At least they spelled "congratulations" right! It must be spelled the same in Russian. :)

  35. At least they spelled congratulations right lol.. at least I think they did but either way not as horrid as a baby alien popping out of a naked lady.. bleh!

  36. I blew up (in a manner of speaking) the first cake to see what was on the sides. First impression: graham cracker crumbs = good. Second impression: fried chicken crispies = not good (at least on cake). Another commentator said Rice Krispies; also good. Which is it? No idea.

    I was going to award points for 'congratulations' until the above-mentioned enlargement showed that the a's are exactly the same as the o's. Thus, 'congrotulotions' are in order.

    Fearless Leader is happy.

  37. "In Soviet Russia, you don't wreck cakes- cakes wreck YOU."


  38. I almost Yakoved all over my computer!

    wv: dosco - Doscorrect, no? Is good?

  39. Your captions cracked me up more than any have recently. I guess I just find Russia funny. Thanks for de laff.

  40. Taylor P (Mary P's Daughter)October 15, 2010 at 5:59 PM

    I can't even tell you how excited I am to see one of my cakes-- err, well, one of my PICTURES of cakes on here. So awesome! I totally screenshotted it. (top cake)

    Protip: It WAS from an Italian bakery.

  41. Taylor P (Mary P's Daughter)October 15, 2010 at 6:04 PM

    Also, Craig! Crumbled vanilla wafers! Oh jeez! xD

  42. Is Boy cake is not from Russa is Connecticut!

  43. Is funny! Is very, VERY funny. At least cake is tasty, da?

    (No, I'm not actually Russian. But one of my ancestors was. So I can fake an accent pretty well. Is genetic.)


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